Universal Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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Cookies and how we use them on elnec.com (Data Controller: Elnec s.r.o., Jána Bottu 5, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia, +421517734328)

Cookies are small files which can be stored on your computer when you visit a website. These files contain information about the webpages you look at so that the next time you visit the site it can be load faster, customised to meet your needs and simplify form filling.

The majority of websites you visit will use cookies to manage and improve your user experience by enabling that website to ‘remember’ you, either for the length of your visit using ‘session cookies’ or for repeat visits using ‘persistent cookies’.

Cookies perform varied functions, including efficient page navigation, retaining your preferences and improving user experience of a website. Cookies enable interaction between you and a website to become an easier and more efficient experience negating the need for you to repeat provision of data. If a website doesn’t use cookies, it will think you are a new visitor every time you navigate between pages on the site, so, for example, when you enter you login and navigate to another page it won’t remember you and it won’t be able to keep you logged in.

Cookies can also be used by websites to target advertising or marketing messages based for example, on your location and/or browsing habits.

Below are the cookies we use and how we use them.

Most browsers support cookies but you can set your browser to decline them and delete them whenever you like. However, some functions of our website may not work as they should if cookies are not enabled.

For more information about how to control cookies for each browser, see the AboutCookies.org website.


This website uses Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how you use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. These cookies are defaultly used to store non-personally identifiable information.

Four cookies are used: _ga, _ga_93YZ073JBB, _gat_gtag_UA_253212317_1 and _gid. All cookies all persistent cookies - "_ga cookie", "_ga_93YZ073JBB" expires in four hundred days, "_gat_gtag_UA_253212317_1" expires in one minute, "_gid" expires in one day. You can find more information from Google here.

Anti-SPAM captcha

This website uses Google reCAPTCHA v3 cookies to protect forms against bots. These cookies are defaultly used to store non-personally identifiable information.

Two cookies are used: _GRECAPTCHA and NID. All cookies all persistent cookies - "_GRECAPTCHA" expires in one hundred forty seven days, "NID" expires in one hundred eighty four days. You can find more information from Google here.

Cookie consent agreement

When you click the "Refuse" button on our cookies consent banner, a persistent cookie "_cookieconsent" with value "0" is saved. "0" means that for Google Analytics your IP address will be anonymized. When you click the "Accept personalized cookies" button on our cookies consent banner, a persistent cookie "_cookieconsent" with value "1" is saved. "1" means that for Google Analytics your IP address will not be anonymized. _cookieconsent is set to expire after five years, so that our website remembers your preference for future visits.

Elnec store, login and language preferences

We use cookies during the login process on this website to identify you and keep your session secure. Four cookies are used: "_elnec", "_csrftoken", "_devicepixelratio" and "_lang".
"_elnec" is persistent cookie expiring after seventy two hours. "_lang" is persistent cookie expiring after seventy five years. It is used to set language preference. "_devicepixelratio" is persistent cookie expiring after seventy five years. It is used for retina display adaptation. "_csrftoken" is persistent cookie expiring at the end of session. It is used as protection against csrf attack.

Cookies we use on elnec.com:
Cookie name Cookie use on elnec.com Cookie expiration
_cookieconsent cookie acceptance [elnec.com] five years
_csrftoken protection against csrf attack [elnec.com] at the end of session
_devicepixelratio retina display adaptation [elnec.com] five years
_elnec essential cookie [elnec.com] seventy two hours
_lang language preference [elnec.com] five years
_ga google analytics [google.com] four hundred days
_ga_93YZ073JBB google analytics [google.com] four hundred days
_gat_gtag_UA_253212317_1 google analytics [google.com] one minute
_gid google analytics [google.com] one day
_GRECAPTCHA google recaptcha v3 [google.com] one hundred forty seven days
NID google recaptcha v3 [google.com] one hundred eighty four days

How do I change my cookie settings?

You can accept or reject cookies - including those used to track websites - by selecting the appropriate settings for your browser. You can set your browser to alert you when you receive a new cookie or block it completely.

Find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers:

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Internet Explorer


Apple Safari

Information about third-party sites

Our website may contain hyperlinks (links) to third-party websites. These third parties have their own privacy conditions for which the operator is not responsible. If you follow links to these third parties, we recommend that you read their privacy policy.

Information about automated decision-making

The operator currently does not perform such processing operations with cookies, on the basis of which decisions with legal effect or other significant impact on your person would be made, which would be based exclusively on the fully automated processing of your personal data in accordance with Art. 22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter "GDPR").

Information about data transfer

The cross-border transfer of personal data to third countries that do not guarantee an adequate level of personal data protection in the sense of the GDPR takes place under the terms of the operator as part of the use of the services of the recipient of personal data, which is a provider of analytical and statistical services (Google Inc.). In the above case, the cross-border transfer to the USA takes place on the basis of standard contractual clauses approved by the Commission. Below, the Controller provides a link to reasonable or appropriate safeguards in relation to transfers to the US:

Supplier Terms of privacy protection Adequate guarantees
Google Inc. https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=enUS https://privacy.google.com/businesses/controllerterms/mccs/

You can find more about personal data protection here "Privacy Statement".

Information about changes to the cookies statement

This Cookie Statement can be modified or supplemented by the operator from time to time. In the event that this Cookie Statement is changed or supplemented, the date of the last revision listed at the bottom of this page will also change. The amended or supplemented Cookie Statement will be effective in relation to you and your information from the specified date. The operator therefore recommends regularly checking this cookie statement in order to have an overview of how cookies are used.

Elnec s.r.o.
Prešov, april 2023

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