Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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Download (software, documentation)

Software for device programmers

Elnec provides one common software for all device programmers. There are available regular version and OnDemand versions of software. Regular version is released normally every 3-4 weeks, OnDemand versions are released on demand - for hot new devices support and bugs fixes - often daily. For detailed description of control program for programmers look please at Software page.

Elnec software is in the form of installer, which copies control software for Elnec programmers to your hard disk, creates shortcuts in the start menu and associates project files with Elnec software, if desired.

The setup program must run with administrative rights, however Elnec software runs fine without administrative rights once it is installed.

Installation: To install Elnec software for programmers, run the PG4UWarc.EXE (or PG4UWarc-OnDemand.exe) file and follow the wizard.

Updating: Run the PG4UWarc.EXE (or PG4UWarc-OnDemand.exe) file. You do not need to uninstall the old version first. Your configuration options will not be lost.

Silent Installation: The PG4UWarc.EXE (and PG4UWarc-OnDemand.exe) installer supports command line switches for silent installation, i.e. the program gets installed without asking the user for target directory or association options. The default settings of the installer are used. The /SILENT command line switch performs a silent installation and shows a status dialog during the setup process. No questions will be asked though.

Uninstallation: In order to uninstall Elnec software for programmers, run the uninstallation program, which is accessible by a shortcut in the start menu folder of Elnec, or in the program section of the system control panel. If you also want to remove your configuration settings, you need to delete the configuration file in the application data directory of your user profile. The /SILENT command line switch can be used also here.

Important: The software package for BeeProg3 and BeeHive304 programmers contain also updates of firmware, libraries and operating system for these programmers, which mean (roughly) next 20MB of compressed data. In intent to save download time - and also in intent to save the disk space after installation of software - we come to conclusion to provide two installation packages:

Device programmers, list of control software revisions:
Regular versions of control software, significant modifications, list of added devices, device handling improvements and fixed bugs view
OnDemand versions of control software, list of enhancements and bug fixes for other programmers view
OnDemand versions of control software, list of enhancements and bug fixes for BeeProg3/BeeHive304 view
Software for device programmers (compatibility: from Windows XP to Windows 11, 32-bit and 64-bit):
(BeeProg3-core programmers)
device list download version last change size (B)
BeeHive304 view | download PG4UWarc3-OnDemand.exe
(OnDemand version)

(Regular version)
(latest SW)

28. Aug. 2024

04. Jul. 2024

BeeProg3 view | download
(currently produced)
device list download version last change size (B)
BeeHive208S view | download PG4UWarc-OnDemand.exe
(OnDemand version)

(Regular version)
(latest SW)

28. Aug. 2024

04. Jul. 2024

BeeHive204 view | download
BeeHive204AP view | download
BeeProg2 view | download
BeeProg2AP view | download
BeeProg2C view | download
discontinued programmer
(but still supported)
device list download version last change size (B)
BeeHive204AP-AU view | download PG4UWarc-OnDemand.exe
(OnDemand version)

(Regular version)
(latest SW)

28. Aug. 2024

04. Jul. 2024

SmartProg2 view | download
MEMprog2 view | download


PC requirements

Minimal PC requirements
  Operating system CPU RAM disk space
( free )
USB 2.0
high speed
2x BeeHive304 Windows XP C2Quad 2 GB 500 MB 1 Gb
2x BeeHive204AP Windows XP C2D 1 GB 500 MB
2x BeeHive204 Windows XP C2D 1 GB 500 MB
BeeHive304 Windows XP C2D 2 GB 500 MB 1 Gb
BeeHive204AP Windows XP C2D 1 GB 500 MB
BeeHive204 Windows XP C2D 1 GB 500 MB
BeeProg3 Windows XP C2D 1 GB 500 MB 100 Mb
BeeProg2 Windows XP C2D 1 GB 500 MB
BeeProg2C Windows XP C2D 1 GB 500 MB
BeeProg2AP Windows XP C2D 1 GB 500 MB


  • For best performance we recommend 1024 x 768 or higher screen resolution.
  • The "Minimal PC requirements" mean, the device programmer and SW will run at these conditions, but not with fully enjoyable experience.
Optimal PC requirements
  Operating system CPU RAM disk space
( free )
2x USB 2.0
high speed
USB 2.0
high speed
2x BeeHive304 Windows 7 *1 Core i5 *2 4 GB *3 2 GB *3 1 Gb
2x BeeHive204AP Windows 7 *1 Core i5 *2 4 GB *3 2 GB *3
2x BeeHive204 Windows 7 *1 Core i5 *2 4 GB *3 2 GB *3
BeeHive304 Windows 7 Core i3 *2 2 GB *3 1 GB *3 1 Gb
BeeHive204AP Windows 7 Core i3 *2 2 GB *3 1 GB *3
BeeHive204 Windows 7 Core i3 *2 2 GB *3 1 GB *3
BeeProg3 Windows 7 Core i3 *2 2 GB *3 1 GB *3 1 Gb
BeeProg2 Windows 7 Core i3 *2 2 GB *3 1 GB *3
BeeProg2C Windows 7 Core i3 *2 2 GB *3 1 GB *3
BeeProg2AP Windows 7 Core i3 *2 2 GB *3 1 GB *3

*1 - or newer
*2 - or better
*3 - or more


  • These PC requirements are valid for 3.74 version of control program for programmers (issued Feb/2022) and above.
  • If two programmers are to be connected to a single PC, then we strongly recommend to connect each programmer to separate USB 2.0 High speed controller (USB EHCI). For more information see User manual for the programmer, the "Hardware setup" chapter.
  • Free disk space requirements depends also on used IC device size and number of attached programming sites. For large devices the required free space on disk will be approximately 1000MB + 2x Device size x number of programming sites attached to this PC.
  • Very easy indication, if your PC in hardware/software configuration is good enough for the current software version and current situation with PG4UW/PG4UWMC, is to run Windows task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and see the Performance tab. It has to be max. 80% of CPU usage at full run of programming system.

Notes to the BeeHive208S programmers:

  • for work with the actual version of SW the BeeHive208S programmers must have installed 2GB RAM or above.
  • except the above RAM size increase, the PC inside of the all BeeHive208S programmers is still above the Minimal PC requirements for actual version of the software.

Manuals and other documents

Operating manuals updates:
name format language last change size (B)
User manual for BeeHive304 and BeeProg3 programmers PDF english Mar. 01, 2019 4.28 MB
User manual for BeeHive204AP and BeeProg2AP multiprogramming system PDF english Dec. 11, 2019 4.88 MB
User manual for BeeHive208S Stand-Alone multiprogramming system (Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro) PDF english Sep. 04, 2017 2.81 MB
User manual for BeeHive208S Stand-Alone multiprogramming system (Windows XP Embedded) PDF english Sep. 04, 2017 3.15 MB
User manual for BeeHive8S Stand-Alone multiprogramming system PDF english Mar. 18, 2009 1.1 MB
Latest version of User manual for BeeHive204, BeeProg2, BeeProg2C and SmartProg2 device programmers PDF english Jan. 27, 2022 3.29 MB
Previous version of user manual that contain also discontinued Elnec device programmers (Contain: BeeHive204, BeeProg2, BeeProg2C, BeeProg+, SmartProg2, MEMprog2, SEEprog) PDF english Jun. 26, 2012 3.29 MB
Previous version of user manual that contain also discontinued Elnec device programmers (Contain: BeeHive204, BeeHive4+, BeeProg2, BeeProg+, SmartProg2, MEMprog2, T51prog2, PIKprog2, MEMprogL, SEEprog) PDF english Apr. 13, 2011 3.29 MB
Previous version of user manual that contain also discontinued Elnec device programmers (Contain: JetProg, BeeProg, LabProg+, SmartProg2, SmartProg, PREPROM-02aLV, MEMprog, MEMprogL, T51prog, 51&AVRprog, PIKprog+, PIKprog, SEEprog) PDF english Aug. 17, 2005 3.29 MB
User manual for BeeHive4 multiprogramming system PDF english Sep. 16, 2005 1.53 MB
User manual for JetProg - multiprogramming system PDF english Feb. 25, 2003 405.88 KB
User manual for Elnec EPROM simulators PDF english Aug. 01, 2003 1.06 MB
User manual for EREPROM-01A eraser PDF english Sep. 22, 2003 47.24 KB

You need to have PDF files. You can use Adobe Acrobat Reader. Get Adobe Acrobat Reader
But better might be Sumatra PDF - faster and smaller. Get Sumatra PDF Get Sumatra PDF

Unsupported products

Last version of software for no longer supported products:
product OS download version last change size (B)
BeeProg+ (device list) pg4uwarc376++.exe 3.76++ Apr, 28, 2022 69.44 MB
T51prog2 (device list) pg4uwarc372.exe 3.72 Dec, 01, 2021 69.04 MB
PIKprog2 (device list) pg4uwarc372.exe 3.72 Dec, 01, 2021 69.04 MB
BeeHive8S (device list) pg4uwarc356.exe 3.56 Mar, 01, 2020 61.77 MB
BeeHive4+ (device list) pg4uwarc356.exe 3.56 Mar, 01, 2020 61.77 MB
MEMprogL (device list) pg4uwarc356.exe 3.56 Mar, 01, 2020 61.77 MB
SEEprog (device list) pg4uwarc356.exe 3.56 Mar, 01, 2020 61.77 MB
MemProg (device list) pg4uwarc347.exe 3.47 Jan, 31, 2019 59.03 MB
BeeHive4 (device list) pg4uwarc332.exe 3.32 May, 11, 2017 54.57 MB
BeeProg (device list) pg4uwarc332.exe 3.32 May, 11, 2017 54.57 MB
JetProg (device list) pg4uwarc328.exe 3.28 Dec. 08, 2016 54.79 MB
SmartProg (device list) pg4uwarc325.exe 3.25 Jun. 23, 2016 53.67 MB
PikProg+ (device list) pg4uwarc325.exe 3.25 Jun. 23, 2016 53.67 MB
T51prog+ (device list) pg4uwarc325.exe 3.25 Jun. 23, 2016 53.67 MB
LabProg+ (device list) pg4uwarc321.exe 3.21 Jan. 28, 2016 53.31 MB
PREPROM-02aLV (device list) pg4uwarc315.exe 3.15 Jun. 30, 2015 51.94 MB
51&AVRprog (device list) pg4uwarc299.exe 2.99 Jun. 20, 2013 42.89 MB
PIKprog (device list) pg4uwarc299.exe 2.99 Jun. 20, 2013 42.89 MB
LabProg-48LV (device list) pg4uwarc274.exe 2.74 Dec. 16, 2010 31.63 MB
PREPROM-02 (device list) pg4uwarc251.exe 2.51 Aug. 14, 2008 24.07 MB
PREPROM-03 EPROM/Flash gang programmer (device list) PG023ARC.EXE 3.98c Aug. 16, 1999 295.28 KB
PREPROM-01 EPROM programmer S2051ARC.EXE - 12/1999 138.05 KB
SIM2051 emulator/programmer AT89C2051 S2051ARC.EXE 3.11 Mar. 21, 2000 197.57 KB
T-EMU52 emulator TEMU52AR.EXE 1.44 Jan. 03, 2002 245.26 KB
SIMEPROM-01B/-02/-02aLV simulators simwarc.exe 1.18 22.May.2007 1.41 MB
SIMEPROM-01B/-02/-02aLV simulators sim12arc.exe 4.17 28.May.2002 256.11 KB
SIMEPROM-01/-01A EPROM simulators SIM12ARC.EXE - 6/2001 256.11 KB
Software for device programmers (DOS)
product download version size (B)
JetProg, LabProg+, LabProg-48LV, SmartProg, T51prog, 51&AVprog, PIKprog+, PIKprog, SEEprog, PREPROM-02 PG4Uarc.EXE 4.93a 2.46 MB


  • version of SW for programmers has been discontinued since 7/2003. The software will not work with programmers, manufactured after this date. We provide none support and none consultations regarding version of SW for programmers..
  • The version of SW can be used for MS-DOS OS, as well for WIN 3.xx, WIN95, WIN98/Me.
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